The Healthful Benefits of GrunTea
What are the healthful benefits of GrunTea?
Let’s start with the flavour – it has Grunt! Almost every person who has tried GrunTea has fallen in love with it, and we all know there are so many benefits from the simple enjoyment of the healthy things you love – especially when shared with friends. The joy of connecting with those you care for is in itself a great reducer of stress, and also a creator of happiness. Add to this the tantalising of your tongue with lush flavour and life’s just getting better and better.
Each and every ingredient has a list of healthful benefits to the body. From anti-inflammatory to antioxidants, antibacterial to antifungal, and a great balance between calming and stimulating – GrunTea Chai has it all.
One of the main reasons for all of these great benefits, is that each of our ingredients are Australian Certified 100% Organic – so no nasty stuff – just the natural goodness from each plant. Better still… Organically farmed produce has a higher yield of the good stuff for us, and farming this way is also great for the planet – so everyone wins!
Let’s get technical….
Plants have long been recognised as the custodians of compounds, energies and nutrients that can help keep our bodies and psychologies in balance – or restore them back to balance if we have gotten out of whack.
Most cultures on earth have a form of herbal medicine that has been practised since antiquity. As such there are many different ideas as to what each specific plant can do for us. Thankfully, with the advent of modern scientific methods, the active substances in plants can now be observed and measured. But even so, there are still plenty of cultures that have large numbers of the population who rely near solely on traditional medicines.
Below you will find a list of each of our ingredients, their scientifically recognised properties or Key Actions, and also the Traditional Uses some believe they are beneficial for. We make no specific claims (directly nor inferred) that GrunTea will help with, heal or cure any medical conditions in your body. Information we provide on the traditional uses and properties of herbs is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs or herbal teas.
That said, we only use Australian Certified, 100% Organic, awesome wholefood ingredients in our teas– so they are brimming with goodness for you!
- Key Actions listed below come from our spice suppliers.
- All Traditional Uses and Cautions mentioned are from – except those marked *.
Green Tea
(Camellia sinensis)
Key Actions:
Astringent, Diuretic, Bactericidal, Antioxidant.
Traditional Uses:
Builds stamina and immunity. Improves blood circulation. Reduces risk of cancer. Tones muscles and skin. Reduces cholesterol. Eliminates hangovers. Prevents tooth loss. Delays the signs and symptoms of ageing.
Excess intake may cause insomnia, restlessness and loss of appetite.
(Urtica dioica)
Key Actions:
Anti-Allergic, Anti-Anaphylactic, Anti-Inflammatory, Decongestant, Diuretic.
Traditional Uses:
Prevents bacterial infection and helps to maintain healthy skin. Relieves fatigue, anaemia and stimulates blood circulation. Effective in treating gout, soothing muscle pain and reducing the symptoms of arthritis. Helps to eliminate stones from the kidney and gallbladder. Helps to treat respiratory conditions such as hayfever, asthma and seasonal allergies. Helps to stimulate production of milk in lactating mothers.
Excessive intake may reduce blood pressure.*
(Curcuma longa)
Key Actions:
Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Mild digestive, Aromatic, Stimulant, Carminative, Active against Staphylococcus aureus.
Traditional Uses:
Rich in anti-inflammatory properties. Boosts cognitive abilities. Helps to detoxify the body. Aids in reducing stress and depression. Helps to prevent cystic fibrosis and cancer. Useful for treating gastrointestinal disorders. Beneficial in maintaining a healthy heart. Relieves menstrual pain and gives relief from fatigue, nausea, pelvic pain and cramps.
Excess usage of turmeric can cause nausea, dizziness or diarrhoea, and heart irregularities.
(Myristica fragrans)
Key Actions:
Astringent, Warming digestive, Controls vomiting and relaxes spasms. Stimulant, Antioxidant.
Traditional Uses:
Provides relief from insomnia. Boosts digestive and bone health. Maintains optimal brain health. Helps eliminate bad breath. Reduces skin inflammation and irritation. Helps to dissolve kidney stones.
Avoid excess consumption of nutmeg.
True Cinnamon
(Cinnamomum verum)
Key Actions:
Warming stimulant, Carminative, Astringent, Aromatic, Antispasmodic, Antiseptic, and Antiviral.
Traditional Uses:
Boosts the immune system and mental strength. Aids in managing diabetes. Helps to prevent cancer. Helps to improve heart health and prevents chronic diseases. Beneficial in strengthening bones. Aids in treating cognitive disorders. Provides protection against fungal and bacterial infections.
Excessive intake may cause toxic effects on the body.
Star Anise
(Illicum verum)
Key Actions:
Stimulant, Digestive, Antifungal, Anti-bacterial.
Traditional Uses:
Promotes healthy skin. Prevents fungal infections. Supports respiratory health. Lowers your risk of cancer. Stimulates the immune system. Optimises digestion. Boosts circulation and aids sleep.
(Elettaria cardamomum)
Key Actions:
Carminative, Antispasmodic, Sialagogue, Orexigenic, Warming-digestive stimulant.
Traditional Uses:
Helps to cure stomach disorders. Aids in improving blood circulation. Helps improve cardiovascular health. Good remedy for nausea and vomiting. Effective remedy for curing urinary tract diseases. Gives relief from asthma, sore throat and hiccups. Reduces risk of colorectal cancer.
(Syzygium aromaticum)
Key Actions:
Stimulant, Digestive, Anti-nausea, Antiseptic.
Traditional Uses:
Aids in digestion. Boosts immune system. Protects liver against infections. Helps to control blood sugar levels. Gives relief from inflammation and pain. Beneficial in preserving bone density. Helps to cure gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.
Black Pepper
(Piper nigrum)
Key Actions:
Digestive stimulant, Antioxidant, Antibacterial, Carminative, Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Aperient, Antispasmodic, Antirheumatic, Antiarthritic and Expectorant.
Traditional Uses:
Helps absorption of curcumin (active ingredient of Turmeric)*. Facilitates digestion and enhances bioavailability. Aids in weight loss and cures vitiligo. Helps fight infection and insect bites. Beneficial for Alzheimer’s and dementia patients. Gives relief from sinusitis, asthma and nasal congestion. Reduces risk of cancer, cardiovascular and liver ailments. Reduces memory impairment and cognitive malfunction. Prevents earaches and gangrene.
Avoid use after abdominal surgery. May cause sneezing.
Ginger Root
(Zingiber officinale)
Key Actions:
Carminative, Antispasmodic, Anti-inflammatory, Warming digestive, Antiviral and Antioxidant.
Traditional Uses:
Regulates sugar levels. Facilitates digestion and cures diarrhoea. Provides relief from menstrual cramps. Boosts bone health and relieves joint pain. Cures nausea and removes excess gas from the body. Prevents cancer. Enhances sexual activity.