Our ConnectiviTea Initiative is Coming Soon!
Replacing Disconnection with ConnectiviTea
The team at GrunTea Emporium love to get together on a regular basis over a cup of GrunTea to discuss everything from house jobs and work ideas, to how to make the world a better place! Sharing is caring, and by getting people to engage and connect with each other, in person, builds a true sense of support and community for all involved.
A great number of people are living in an isolated manner – even though there are so many people surrounding us we rarely know or connect with any of them! How well do you know your neighbours? Maybe other people could really benefit from hearing your experiences and stories – or maybe someone has a great idea that may inspire you to do something or think about life in a different way. There is so much inherent wisdom and love out there, and most of the time we are too busy browsing on our phones or staring at our TVs to be able to engage with this collective wisdom or beautiful energies. It’s time to change that with the power of the cuppa!
We want people to drag themselves away from their screens, and mingle with their community – sharing ideas, stories and wisdom – and GrunTea of course!
In order to make this possible, we are going to donate 10% of all our profits into this initiative, as well as a lot of our time and enthusiasm!
We are currently in the process of developing this idea with a few other organisations, so stay tuned to this page for more information as our project takes shape. We’re pretty excited about it, and we hope you will be too. If you have any ideas or if you know of or work for an organisation that would fit in with this initiative, drop us a line on our contact us page – we’d love to hear from you.