For context, let me begin with a bit about my personal crochet journey.
I live with fibromyalgia, and at times can be couch-bound for many days, due to the severity of the pain.

It was in the midst of one such period where I was frustrated and depressed with being stuck in this way (having always been a creative doing type of person), that I realised I needed to find something, anything, that I could do. I needed some inspiration!

As I couldn’t move, but still had my mind and my hands, I started thinking about what I could do within these limitations. Somewhere along this contemplation, I remembered my grandmother sitting on her lounge peacefully crocheting, and I thought to myself… I want to give this a go. So I searched on Youtube for how-to videos and promptly taught myself to crochet!

The next problem was that I didn’t really find most crocheted items appealing, either their function, styling or colours… So I got to dreaming again.

I have always loved prayer flags and I thought… hmmm, I wonder. And so Crochet Bunting came to be. But not happy with the crochet alone, I just had to embellish them with ribbons, mirrors and sequins – so they were even more vibrant and fun!

But this article is about the amazing benefits of crochet, so let me tell you what happened next…

  • In challenging myself to learn a new skill, it stimulated my brain, which resulted in less neurons being available to register pain – and so my pain levels reduced over time.
  • I felt inspired to be creating, even though I was stuck on the couch, and this helped improve my mood and free me from the grips of depression.
  • I noticed I felt better in general, as I was making things that all my friends loved and enjoyed. And on top of this, they were giving me great feedback and compliments, which made me feel even better!
  • I learned that whenever I felt stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, all I had to do was sit and crochet, and all that would disappear – I would become quite relaxed and centred again.
  • I found that the practice of crochet, with its soft repetitive actions, brought me so deeply into my centre, deeply into creative flow, that I started to feel deep inner peace. In investigating this, I realised I was participating in a type of active meditation, a mindfulness practice of creativity.
  • As a result of starting and finishing projects, I felt like I was achieving again. And this led to feeling more in control of my life once more.
  • And in the end, I now have these wonderful items that I can share with others, to bring colour and joy into their homes and lives. And this makes my heart sing!

I have no doubt that my journey is one shared by others, and that anyone picking up a crochet hook will experience many of the same benefits. In fact I am certain there are many centred, blissed out, peaceful crocheters around the world, crocheting at this very moment!
Are you one of them?

In Light and Creativity