When going to a local market provides a lovely surprise…
It was an overcast Sunday morning, and I had decided to meet one of the GrunTea team at the Wondecla markets. There are heaps of really cool little local markets up here in Far North Queensland, but I had never had the chance to visit the one at Wondecla.
After catching up with some friends, we came across a brightly coloured and beautiful looking van that was selling lots of healthy juices and treats! Jocah and I decided to try a smoothie as they all looked so delicious. Next was the decision – never easy! I tried the Avo-Nana, which was a creamy blend of avocado, banana, dates, almond butter and lime – delicious! We got to talking with the lovely folk in the van, Leigh and Kath – the owners of Joose Junky.
Whilst slurping down my smoothie and having a chat, I noticed on their menu that they had a cheeky chai – and was curious what type of chai they used. You could have blown me over with a feather when they said it was a Turmeric Nettle Chai tea… as far as I am aware, there is only one company that makes and sells that tea … US!!
After a bit more chatting, it turns out that they had bought some of our Turmeric Nettle Chai tea off us at the Yungaburra markets, which we attend monthly. They took it home, tried it – and liked it – so they decided to make a smoothie based on it! The bonus being that the tea is caffeine free, sugar free, organic and full of flavour!
Joose Junky have since decided to also sell the Nettle Chai as a hot drink for winter – mmm delicious Chai Latte coming right up! You can also buy the 100g boxes of Nettle of them as well – YAY!
When I asked Kath why they chose our Tea she said, “We chose GrunTea for our smoothies and winter chai lattes, because of its full flavoured taste and the fact that it’s all organic, it makes it an obvious winner for us! We are avid market goers ourselves and couldn’t find a healthy drink alternative (other than maybe a chai latte which generally comes out of a syrup bottle) when we would be looking for something to have while walking around the markets.”
Leigh is a chef by trade, so he knows when something tastes good! Seeing a lack at the markets when trying to find a cold pressed juice or superfood smoothie when they were walking around, they decided to start up their business to fill this gap and complement their other part-time job – renovating their house!
When I asked Kath how the new venture was going, she replied “We both love talking to people, so the Joose Junky is a great way to give people a fresh, great tasting boost to their day, be creative and have some wonderful conversations with people from all walks of life!!! The Joose Junky is great fun and you can find us every weekend at one of the local markets or set up at The Humpy in Tolga.” (I have included their current schedule below – but you can always check out their Instagram or facebook page to get the latest updates and additions!)
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